Friday, April 17, 2020

Autism and the iPad

What is it?
     Students with autism have various learning needs, and no one student with autism is the same. Students can have a little bit of autism and only require very small accommodations. However, there are some students with autism that do not speak or it is difficult for them to function in a classroom setting. The iPad is wonderful to use for students on the spectrum. There are so many apps out there that can be used to help these students communicate and be more successful in the classroom. The best thing about the iPad is its size because it can be easily carried and used anywhere.
How can it be used in the classroom?
      For non-verbal students, they can use the apps to communicate with others. There are many apps that the students can select pictures of how they are feeling to communicate, or they can select a series of images to form a sentence. For example, the student could use the app Proloquo2Go to help them communicate. This app allows them to practice their reading, grammar, and vocabulary skills. This app allows them to find the picture that matches the word they are wanting to say. Then, they select the picture and it says the word for them. There are also phrases that have pictures as well. This gives those non-verbal students a voice.
                                        Teach Your Child to Communicate/How Abbey learned!/Customize ...
What is the impact on student learning?
     There are so many benefits to using the iPad with students who are on the spectrum. The apps serve as a voice for many of those students. It builds their confidence, communication skills, learning skills, and self-awareness skills. They are more engaged in the classroom and with other students. They are more motivated to learn and participate. This is a game changer for students with autism. It allows for smoother transition times and periods for these students. Overall, it boosts their social and emotional learning as well.
                                          10 Great iPad Apps for Students on the Autism Spectrum | iPad Insight
What is the cost? 
     Many schools or districts have a program that they use for students with autism. This may be an app that they have already paid for, so before you try to buy one yourself, see if your school has already purchased it. Many of the apps can be a little pricey, but the benefits for the student is worth the price.
Bonus Info:
Here are some apps that you can check out to use with your students with autism.

  • Upcard
  • TippyTalk
  • Shadow Puppet
  • Grace Picture
Check out this video to see the benefits of using the iPad for students with autism!

Final Thoughts:
     Overall, using the iPad with students with autism is a MUST, especially for those students who are non-verbal. It will help those students learn how to communicate with others and develop social cues. One new thing I learned is that there are many apps out there just to help students with transition time. I never really thought about how this could be very difficult for students with autism. The apps just help to reduce the stress and worry of change for these students. It helps to calm them down. As a new teacher, I will be more aware of my transition times, especially if I have any students with autism. I will incorporate some of these apps for those students to use during transition time so they can smoothly get to the next task. Also, I will make sure that the student feels comfortable and like they have a voice and a say in the classroom. I will help these students find their voice, all while building their academic and social skills. 

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